For Montessorians. By Montessorians.


My name is Matt Hillis and I am the Executive Director of the Bergamo Montessori School in Sacramento, California. Our school was founded in 1975 by a passionate Montessorian who, for decades, led a small but mighty program for children from Primary through Elementary.

Like you, she struggled with doing it all - working with guides, interfacing with parents, giving tours, and doing all the “little things” that are the day-to day reality of running a Montessori school.


Marketing was always last on the list.  For years, a display ad in the phone book would suffice and the phone would ring just enough to keep a steady flow of parents to the school.

Oh, but times have changed!

The yellow pages are dead.  Competition from other programs continues to increase.  New parents spend the majority of their day online.  In order for your school to survive, you have to promote yourself in a new and radical way.

But how do you start?


I joined the school in 2004 with a unique perspective as a Montessori alumnus and recently trained Montessori guide.  After realizing that my true talents were in supporting the school outside of the classroom, I began to focus on growing the school, specifically with digital marketing.  

The result?  Our school has grown exponentially to nearly 500 children. In that time I have made some big mistakes and have had some outstanding successes.  Through those successes and failures, I developed an extraordinary library of tools, knowledge and relationships that have all helped our Montessori school grow like a weed.  


The purpose of Nido Marketing is to share what I have learned with you.  We are the only marketing agency in the world founded by a Montessorian to focus exclusively on Montessori schools.

As you know, admissions is the key to leading a vibrant Montessori school.  If you’re ready to attract more potential parents, schedule more tours and increase enrollment, click below to get started.

Matt Hillis Headshot