Why Content Marketing Works So Well For Montessori Schools

To say Montessori education is unique would only be a half-step in the right direction. The Montessori method is a paradigm-shifting educational revolution that challenges nearly every major educational convention. From the multi-age classrooms to the role of the teachers as Guides instead of the source of all knowledge, the Montessori method is a complete departure from traditional education. In fact, Montessori education can be so unique that it can be difficult for newcomers to grasp at first blush. People crave the comfort of that which is known and familiar to them. This construct of human nature puts Montessorians at a disadvantage when it comes to marketing our schools.
We don’t have the same luxury that more traditional forms of education have in relying on people’s expectations. In fact, we often have to help parents that are new to the Montessori method “unlearn” what they think they know before we can even begin truly articulating the value of Montessori. This is exactly why content marketing is so uniquely suited for Montessori schools.
The Case for Content Marketing
We live in the age of an educated consumer base. Especially when it comes to parenting and education, families today have millions of resources at their fingertips. People research every major purchase they make and generally do so without any direct input from potential vendors. They are looking on social platforms, reading reviews, and absorbing as much helpful information as possible to help them make challenging decisions. This gives Montessorians a unique advantage. In an ecosystem where people are given time and relevant information to make a long-term, value-based decision, Montessori typically wins! This is why great content marketing works so well in the Montessori space.
Content marketing is educational marketing. It is compiling all of the necessary resources and placing them in a prepared environment that allows your prospects to self-educate at their pace and according to their interests. Sound familiar?
The key to great content marketing is, of course, making sure you’re using effective content. When a parent engages with you online, make sure you are equipped to help them travel the entire length of the Montessori buying journey on their own. Great content is nurturing, comprehensive, and valuable.
Content Before Engagement
We see far too many schools relying on the “contact us for more information” approach. Montessorians tend to view Montessori education as something you need to see first-hand to grasp and appreciate. To that end, much emphasis is placed on observations and school tours. The issue with this approach is that you are asking prospective parents to take a leap before a step.
Imagine being asked to try a new restaurant before reading the menu, reading reviews, or understanding what kind of food they prepare. You are likely to turn away to someplace you know will be reliable.
We know that nothing compares to seeing Montessori in action firsthand... but you are missing an opportunity to ease families who might be more hesitant into the process. Parents want to have an opportunity to make up their minds about Montessori as a potential fit for them before they are prepared to engage with your community. This is where great content will become crucial in your Montessori marketing strategy.
Think about it this way: You give parents a foundation before they come in for an observation or tour of your school. This is an important part of their overall decision-making process. Parents who have had the opportunity to do some research and learn about Montessori through your content are going to be that much more excited and ready to engage with you.
So How Can You Get Started With Content Marketing
First things first, you need to have exceptional content. Let's take a look at some examples of content you should include in your Montessori marketing strategy:
- Blogs: If you don't already have a school blog, start one! A compelling blog is going to expand your content arsenal exponentially. A few things to note when it comes to creating blog posts: use pictures and images, write in an approachable way that parents who are new to Montessori can understand, smash misconceptions about Montessori, and post regularly (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly... whatever works for your schedule).
- Social Posts: Scheduling social content that is educational is a great way to provide thought-leading information to parents. Sharing blogs on your social platforms is effective as well. Don't be afraid to recycle articles you've worked hard to write.
- Website Content: Your website should have content that helps families understand more about Montessori. Hold their hand as they explore your school website, learn about your mission and philosophy, and get some insight into your programs.
- Videos: If you have the time and capacity, videos can be an engaging way to get valuable content out there. Include some videos on your school website or on ad copy.
- Podcast: Not necessary, but a great option for families on the go. Creating a parenting podcast is another great way for busy parents to learn more about the unique offerings of Montessori. You also need minimal equipment for this, just a good mic.
- Emails: Email marketing can be super effective. Develop a series of emails that "nurture" prospective parents to your door.
- Photography: Beautiful photography is hugely impactful. Having high-quality photos of your school can allow parents to peek inside your classrooms and see the children at work. You can use them in your blogs, throughout your website, on ad copy, and so much more.
Getting Practical with Content Marketing
So, how do you create and manage a robust content schedule? We know it's a lot to ask from schools. Usually, there are so many other things that take priority over creating content. We have a few suggestions and resources to help you because we know that great content can transform your marketing and grow your enrollment.
- Check out our blog on planning one year of content for your Montessori school
- We have plenty of content marketing resources on our Thrive membership site. You can find our blog topic ideas list, parent-ed videos, Montessori marketing courses, social content planning templates, and so much more!
- Join our community spaces to connect with other school leaders for support. We have a Facebook Group, LinkedIn Group, Instagram Account, and Twitter!
Do you just not have the time do to it all? We are here to help! Don't miss out on prospective families that could be captured and converted through compelling Montessori content. Nido Marketing offers a Content plan for Montessori schools.
Schedule a Free Consultation Call to Talk with a Montessori Marketing Professional Today
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